Monday, April 28, 2008

4TH WEEK APRIL, 2008 (21ST -25TH)


MON. 21ST APRIL 2008
The Squib’s out. Cover story – The NO - CAP-IN – COURT – RULE, TIME FOR A RETHINK? Did some hours in chambers. Was not in court at all today.

TUE. 22ND APRIL 2008
Flew to Abuja today. To face Disciplinary Committee of the Body of Benchers. Over the Sotuminu C.J petition. The same old petition. The complainant did not show up. As usual, since 2003. Story at:

Later in the afternoon, left for Port- Harcourt.
Received well by my learned friend, Gbenga Ojo Esq. and his equally learned wife. Will remember for a long time, madam’s pounded yam and goat meat infested rich egusi soup dinner! Mmmmmm!

Gani – Chief Gani Fawehinmi S.A.N clocked 70 years today.
The old man, couldn’t come for the celebrations in Lagos. Was in far away London, battling cancer (of the lung). My heart felt prayer is for a miracle cure for own very dear Gani.

WED. 23RD APRIL 2008
Visited the Federal High Court, Port – Harcourt and the State High Court. Both courts not too far away from each other. The High Court Complex is grander than the Federal Court.
Later moved to one or two places, not forgetting to partake of the bodies of two roasted plantains and some peppered fish. Yum, yum.
Came back to Lagos some hours later.

Was at the Ebute – Metta Magistrate Court. Later went to the Lagos High Court. Very neat court environment.

FRI. 25TH APRIL 2008
Spent hours on end at the SCID Panti (well known police station). All part of a day’s job; I guess?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

3RD WEEK APRIL, 2008 (14th - 18th)


Mon. 14th April, 2008.
The Squib’s out. Cover story – NBA General Elections, 2008 - who is afraid of Dele Adesina S.A.N Quite a lot of people in court. The Ikeja High Court.
NBA Lagos held her monthly meeting today. The meeting celebrated the 80th Birthday of Mr. Tunji Gomez of the “it is a matter of conscience” fame.
Geckos saw a very good friend of the Squib - an erstwhile Chief Promoter of the ‘obnoxious publication’ at the occasion.
The Squib promoter was a former Chief Judge of Lagos State. The honourable was seen eyeing the Squib with wonder - the Squib lives on!

Tue. 15th April, 2008.
Was at the Ebute-Metta Magistrate Court. Getting to the court was not an easy task. No thanks to the on-going road reconstruction on the Yaba - Oyingbo road.
Had an interesting day in court. Saw for the first time, a magistrate asking a lawyer to address him sitting down. The lawyer was an elderly but fit gentleman who rose firmly to his legs to address the court but was directed to do his advocacy sitting down. The lawyer’s identity? Chief Badru Olaogun - Life Bencher. The honourable magistrate said it was to honour the bencher.

Wed. 16th April, 2008.
Was as the Ikeja High Court. Saw posters of some candidates running for various posts in the coming NBA Ikeja branch elections. Promise of an interesting election, come June, in the air.

Thur. 17th April, 2008.
Rained cats and dogs today. Even at that, Compound ‘A’ of the Ikeja High Court was jam-packed with cars. Had to park my car outside the premises.
Later, with about eight other lawyers moved to Ikorodu to resolve a land dispute, involving the PBF lawyers’ estate and a lady. The outcome of mission? Success.

Fri. 18th April, 2008.
Came to the Ikeja High Court in the afternoon. Caught or saw little action. But one never knows what geckos might have seen and what they could still relate later.



Squib’s out. Cover story - The Bamaiyi Case Judgment. But in the inner cover. On the
outer cover, was the picture of Dave Ajetomobi, chairmanship candidate for the NBA Ikeja Elections 2008. Was in various high courts today. For one case or the other.
Attended the official opening of the Ikeja branch of Legal City, dealers and sellers of quality wears and materials for lawyers. The Tigers monthly meeting held. As usual, full house.
Just like last month, couldn’t get the chance to sign the attendance register.

Came on in at a time Rotimi Akeredolu S.A.N, presidential candidate in the August 2008 elections, was addressing the meeting. Had quite an appealing appearance, the candidate. Talked frankly and a bit boastfully too. Might not be untoward though, in political campaign, you blow your own trumpet! However noticed that a martial song from Akeredolu “Aketi” -

Esu bembele Su
Lesu, lesu, lesu,
Esu bembele Su
Omo to ri ogun waye
Esu bemebele Su

and a rather snide remark that he (Aketi) was not a Senior Advocate for just six months (an obvious reference to Dele Adesina, his rival) did not endear him to a few Tigers.

TUE. 8TH APRIL, 2008
Was at the Lagos State High Court this morning for a case. The honourable Judge was not available. Geckoed round a bit and then left the court.

WED. 9TH APRIL, 2008
Was at the Ikeja High Court for a case. My case didn’t go on. Later in the afternoon, the six newly appointed judges - Olaide Olayinka J., Okikiolu Ighile J., Bisi Akinlade J., Lawal Akapo J., Dabiri J. and Jose J. were formerly and officially presented to the public at the foyer of the Lagos High Court.

THUR. 10TH APRIL, 2008
Came to the Ikeja High Court in the afternoon. Nothing much seen or done. Chambers case before a high court judge in the morning could not go on. Judge absent.

FRI. 11TH APRIL, 2008
Was at the Ikeja High Court for a case. The court sat but matter was adjourned to enable defence study latest proof of evidence.
Noticed the corridor of the courts in the old Annex building flooded with water from the air conditioning engines. This is simply not good enough, for water to be falling and collecting on the corridor. Messy, ugly, dangerous. Nobody will allow that in his home.


MON. 31ST MARCH, 2008
The Squib’s out – Cover: ‘Haba Governor Fashola!’ Came to the Ikeja High Court in the afternoon. Nothing much on.

TUE. 1ST APRIL, 2008

Came to the Ebute Metta Magistrate Court. As usual the "Isthmus" road leading to the court was blocked by cars, wares and was dirty. Left, after finishing with my case.

WED. 2ND APRIL, 2008

Was at the Ikeja High Court, for one or two cases. Saw that the High Court Judges on temporary location at the Compound B, had migrated back to their newly refurbished chambers and courts in the new court complex.



MON. 24TH MARCH, 2008
The Squib’s not out. On account of the Easter holiday. It’s a whole work-free week for judges during the Easter break.

TUE. 25TH MARCH, 2008
Easter vacation on. The NBA Ikeja Branch (Tigers) held a press conference over its Annual Law Week Programme starting on the morrow and to last till Sunday the 30th. Was at the Maximum Security Prison. Spent some time there and then left. Naturally.

WED. 26TH MARCH, 2008
Was at the Ikeja High Court. Of course, the whole place was ‘dry.’ Little wonder judges were on vacation. Honourable Justice Adetula Alabi declared open the law week of the Tigers. At the occasion, the C.J presented his MISNOMER THEORY OF JUDICIAL ACTIVISM, which in short means that the legal profession has no space for activists.
But after the C.J’s speech, a Senior Advocate- Dele Adesina rose to debunk Chief Judge Alabi’s theory. And that was something.

THUR. 27TH MARCH, 2008
Was at the Airport Hotel Ikeja for the Public Lecture of the NBA Ikeja 2008 Annual Law Week. The lecture was given by Oguntade JSC. He spoke on Corruption and the Rule of Law. Interesting paper I should say.

FRI. 28TH MARCH, 2008
Was at the Ikeja High Court. Went to the High Court Library. Spent a couple of hours there. Place was not as solemnly quiet as it used to be. Lot of chit-chat went on amongst library staff for a long time. One is tempted to think the place is now a gossip center.



MON. 10TH MARCH, 2008
The Squib’s out. Cover Story on Justice Shitta-Bey’s near assault in court by a demented accused person.
Was at Bolade Magistrate Court for a case. Later left for KiriKiri, the Maximum Security Prison.

TUE. 11TH MARCH, 2008
Was at the Ikeja High Court – geckoing about.

WED. 12TH MARCH, 2008
Went to the Magistrate Court, Tapa, Lagos. The Tapa “Court Complex” is a make shift metal cabin “court.” More like rabbit hutches. From there, went off to Lagos High Court. Geckoed seriously all over the place. Heard, saw some interesting news. Already investigating ‘em.

THUR. 13TH MARCH, 2008
Today was my birthday at the bar. Was I excited? Very well! Now if I may ask, “when were you called to the bar? If you are under 10 years (at the bar), you are still a junior, so, respect your elders. If you are more than 10 years, that means you are a senior so act your age and show good example, always.

FRI. 14TH MARCH, 2008
Came to the Ikeja High Court, in the afternoon. The place looked peaceful and innocent. Saw some geckos, while many geckos saw me.



MON. 3RD MARCH, 2008
The Squib’s out. Cover story was on Femi Falana Esq. on his grouse with the Privileges Committee of the N.B.A for denying him the S.A.N award. Was at the Tigers’ monthly meeting. The Bar Centre meeting place of the N.B.A Ikeja is now too small to contain members. The place was jam-packed, including the corridor. No less than two hundred lawyers were in attendance. Saw a High Chief from Makurdi, Benue State in attendance. They called him the Hu-Or-O-Tiv, and he was dressed in the native Tiv regalia, the famous black and white patterns. As usual the Tigers’ meeting was no dull affair. Arguments, debates, speeches, tension, jokes, etc all the way.
Saw a learned friend of mine chaperoning his lawyer-daughter about in the meeting. Maybe he is a believer in the maxim “Vigilance is the eternal price for liberty.” Can’t blame Barrister K, what, with so many Tigers about! It was his daughter’s first attendance of the Tigers’ meeting.

TUE. 4TH MARCH, 2008
Went to the Maximum Security Prison, KiriKiri. For lawyer business. Even in prison, men are not born equal. There are big-men prisoners, there are small-men detainees. Left for the Ikeja High Court, Justice Nwaka’s court specifically. The judge was not “on seat.” Had never been seen June 2007 in her court, yet dozens of awaiting trial inmates languish endlessly in prison because their matters before the judge had to be put on hold.
The Judge has been on “national assignment” since June 2007, to participate as a member of an Election Petition Tribunal!

WED. 5TH MARCH, 2008
Was at the Ikeja High Court. Did a trial at the High Court. Looked here and there, if you know what I mean. The court compound rather full today - lawyers, litigants, spectators all much around. Heard of the commotion in Justice Shitta-Bey’s Court (Lagos High Court). Detainee goes berserk (after 7 years in detention) and got bail by fire from presiding Judge, Shitta-Bey. J

Was at the Magistrate Court, Ebute-Metta. Getting to that court compound almost compared with a camel straining through the eye of a needle. Choked in-let road, dirty environment. Bedlam here and there. That court should be moved. Came down to the Magistrate Court Sabo, for the “fake lawyer’s case” involving one Shamshideen Owolabi Akinwale Awere. Berthed finally at the Ikeja High Court.

FRI. 7TH MARCH, 2008

Was at the Ikeja High Court. Gecko around. In the afternoon, went to the Motorways Headquarters Office of the OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER. Spent 3 fruitful hours with the Bisi Akinlade babes. Together, solved a knotty family issue, involving three brothers and three sisters.